Monday, April 30, 2007


John Scalzi made a stop in Scottsdale on his whirlwind book tour tonight at the Poisoned Pen book store. He's got two weeks left and if he's coming to your town, try to make an effort to catch him. He's a fun guy in person and if you've been reading his Whatever blog, you have a good idea of what to expect.

There was a pretty decent turnout for John, with it being a Monday night and it not getting listed much in the papers. Most of the fans there were familiar with his work and his online activities. He talked about the Old Man's War series of books, including the new book, The Last Colony and how it took three tries to get the book going. He talked a bit about The Android's Dream, and how he worked up the first chapter, essentially a fart joke. He's currently working on the sequel book in that series. He's also planning to do some more experimental stuff that will likely be published by Subterranean Press, much like The Sagan Diary.
Look for a report from John on the appearance on his tour diary.

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