I've signed up for Hulu's beta. It is a new video sharing site where studios will be making complete episodes and other clips available to share. I thought this clip from the Pilot for The Invisible Man is a good place to start with the Doctor Who references.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
This is a test of Hulu
I've signed up for Hulu's beta. It is a new video sharing site where studios will be making complete episodes and other clips available to share. I thought this clip from the Pilot for The Invisible Man is a good place to start with the Doctor Who references.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Labels: Doctor Who, Hulu, Invisible Man
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It's that time of the year - Hugo nominations
It's that time of the year when members of last year's Worldcon and members of the upcoming Worldcon try to figure out what were the best works in the past year in a whole bunch of categories, otherwise known as The Hugo Awards. I'll leave the fiction and other nominations to other blogs, but I thought I'd throw out a few things to be considered for the Dramatic Presentation award. The deadline for submitting ballots is midnight, March 1st, so there's a bit over a month left to figure things out (although if you aren't currently eligible to vote, you have to be a member of Devention 3 by Jan 31st to be eligible). You can keep track of the Hugos and other SF awards at the Science Fiction Awards Watch website.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: Hugo Awards, Worldcon
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Let's change the future one more time... But still Stay in the past...
Posted by
7:38 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
SFTV Roundup - Schedule Updates and Network juggling
SFTV Schedules Updated, Schedule Shuffling, TV Big Shot
The Upcoming SFTV Schedule list and Season to Date list have been updated with the latest information I've been able to track down. With the writer's strike now really having an affect on availability of new episodes for most of the shows that started this fall, there's a lot of schedule juggling going on as new shows are brought in, shows with no more episodes left are dropped, and the networks play chicken with each other to try to gain an advantage. Right before Christmas, CBS dropped new episodes of three shows at short notice to run repeats. This past week, ABC and NBC played chicken with the start of Celebrity Apprentice with apparently NBC winning as ABC didn't move the last new Grey's Anatomy to Jan 3rd after NBC moved The Apprentice back to that date, after moving it to Jan 10th AFTER having previously announced it to start Jan 3rd.
Yes, I've been paying much more detailed attention to non-SFTV shows to attempt to keep near the top with TV Bigshot. My top network, SFTVPlus, is at #17 currently. Aleph still has most of the top ten but others have been gaining on him. I'm just trying to keep up with them. TWOP will definitely need to rethink the game for next season, though. Too much of the game has become dependent on increasing your network value by buying and selling shows to gain network value.
But I digress. The latest schedule juggling is from FOX, who instead of just burning off New Amsterdam on Friday nights starting in late February, have now decided to give it a big push by previewing the first two episodes following American Idol episodes and then putting it into the Monday night 9 pm time slot once they run out of Terminator episodes. That's a pretty surprising turn of events for the show considering FOX shut down production on it BEFORE the writer's strike, effectively killing it before it aired. With the strike continuing, that may be a new lease on life for New Amsterdam.
Fans4Writers Auction, Special shirts
The fans4writers web site is having an auction to raise money to support their efforts that includes a lot of signed Galactica scripts and other items of interest. You can also support the strike by buying Strike Swag including the special Star Trek day shirt (assuming they aren't all gone.) I got mine already...
I definitely would like to see the strike settled soon, but only if the writers get what they are due. If anything, we've got some new genre stuff coming up including new Torchwood and Doctor Who (which is UK made and not affected by the strike).
Posted by
9:23 PM
Labels: New Amsterdam, SFTV schedules, TV Big Shot